Page 14 - FP Chronicle Issue 15, Oct 2020
P. 14

Health is Wealth

              Today  we  live  in  a  world where                       food is tasty. It’s not usual; it’s what our

              people  suffer  from  many  fatal                         minds prefer. It is appealing and tricks

              diseases like cancer, and now corona                      our minds to eat. I don’t think anyone
              virus.  It is a new strain that has not                   could resist the smell and the view of

              been previously identified in humans.                     a restaurant’s burgers, French fries and
              So it is very important  to maintain                      many other meals. Only a person with

              our health.  Unfortunately, the  new                      a  determination  can skip the  fast  food
              generation  nowadays does not give                        thoughts on a daily basis. Furthermore,

              much importance to health. The main                       people think that maintaining  their

              reason is laziness  and love  of fast                     health has no effects. It actually affects a
              food. How often do we eat vegetables                      lot more in our future life. For example,

              and fruits?                                               there are theories that say staying healthy
              For me, it’s always. I always try to                      makes  you live  longer  and  in perfect

              keep my body healthy by eating fruits                     shape. I agree with that theory because
              and vegetables, drinking a lot of water                   if we maintain  our health,  there  won’t

              to remain hydrated. I stay away from                      be any diseases and our bodies will have
              fast food which is the most important.                    very strong immunity.

              Our bodies need  to be fed every                          It’s impossible for the world to agree on
              single day, but the problem is, what                      one thing because everyone has their own

              we feed them. Despite the knowledge                       opinions and beliefs. To quote Germany

              that fast food is unhealthy, people still                 Kent” If you do not have control over
              consume  these  foods and  complain                       what you put in your mouth, you will not

              about diseases and an increase in their                   have control over your future.”
              weight. First of all, we agree that fast                  All in all, health is a state of physical,

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