Page 15 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 15

Susan started to talk angrily to May and Sami because they were terrified about

              going to Dahariz beach, so she said to Salah, “Father, I heard that in this season
              people should not go to the beaches because of drowning!” Salah replied, “You

              are right my daughter, but we are not going to swim, we will just sit and relax.”

              “Fine! But I will not watch my little brother.” “Oh, you don’t have to, I will”,
              replied Salah.

              Mazoon came  and asked, “Susan, where is
              Sarah?”  Susan replied  in  distress, “She  is

              deep asleep in the room. Mazoon fiercely said,

              “What! tell her to get ready and if she is not
              ready in five minutes, she knows what I will do

              to her!” Susan nervously replied, “Oh, the same

              as you did with me!” Mazoon gave her a look

              that could kill then Susan said, “Yes ma’am!”
              Susan went upstairs to tell  Sarah to prepare

              herself in just five minutes because they must

              leave by half-past six and it was already six.
              Susan said in a loud and terrifying voice, “Ahh,

              I knew it, you are still sleeping! Wake up now!”

              Sarah replied in a drowsy voice, “Just more

              five minutes.” Susan laughed and said, “OK,
              but after five minutes you will get hell from

              mom! Sarah said in a careless voice, “I don’t


                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23                              14
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