Page 17 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 17

to turn on the local songs at a loud volume.

              Salah was surprised because as soon as they

              arrived, they danced and sang with great
              enthusiasm.  Salah  warned us to not talk  to

              these people and told Sami to not play with

              the boy. Sami had a kite and he was playing
              with it. Suddenly, it went down to the people

              who were next to them. The little boy of that

              noisy family took the kite and ran to his mother.

              Then, Sami cried and ran to Salah and said, “That boy took my kite!”

              Salah replied, “I told you not to play with him!” Sami replied in a sad tone,

              “But I did not play with him, he took my kite.” Salah called the man of
              that family and said, “Excuse me, your boy took my son’s kite!” The man

              apologized and said, “ I do apologize for my son’s behavior ”

              Salah understood that the kite would never return to them. He went back

              to Sami and Mazoon and said, “That man is so rude, he will never return
              it!” Mazoon said in a furious voice, “I will speak to him and teach him

              manners!” Salah said in fear, “Oh no, no please, we came here to relax and

              not to fight!” Mazoon said to Sami to stay near his sisters. After that, Salah
              and Mazoon started to cook.

              When Salah said, “I think if you add a little bit of salt it will taste good
              in the meat”, Mazoon said in a solemn voice, “No, it won’t.” Meanwhile,

              Sami was bothering Mazoon so Salah finally said, “Go play with Susan,”

              Susan said in a stout voice, “I am not going to watch him by the way, I

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23                              16
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