Page 34 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 34

could see a ship tracking device and                          Then, the trip ended, the bus came,

           pictures of the first Omani expedition                        and we went to the bus. At around

           to England on Sultana.  We also saw                           6:30 pm, we were back at the hostel.

           Sumerian inscriptions. At the end of

           the hall, the tour guide told us about                        Our journey ended with much-

           the largest dry water basin and the                           acquired information and beautiful

           places of dry basins in the Sultanate                         memories, and we won’t forget the

           of Oman.                                                      kindness of the foundation Program

                                                                         teachers who made it full of fun and

           After that, we went to the park in                            enjoyment.

           the museum. It overlooked beautiful

           natural scenery. My favourite part

           was the boat tour along the sanctuary

           surrounding the museum.  We rowed

           and enjoyed the view of the sunset.

           After that, at about 5:30 pm, we finished

           the boat trip and sat with the foundation

           program teachers to take some snacks.

           There were wide varieties of delicious

           food with cold drinks. We sat laughing

           and talking with friends and teachers.

           We practised our English with some

           tourists as well.

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