Page 29 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 29


           suffer from this condition and don't know                   and worry. My sister does this, which has
           it. The Second danger is heart diseases,                    helped her relax and gather her thoughts.

           such as tachycardia or panic attacks. This                  Most of us need more sleep than we get, so
           is when your heart beats faster and faster                  put your phone down and get enough rest.

           because of stress or worry. For example,
           my friend had a fast heartbeat because of                   In conclusion, if we want many healthy

           excessive anxiety and excessive thinking                    years with our families, we need to avoid

           about her test scores. The last and most                    the dangers of overthinking and learn to
           dangerous one is that overthinking leads                    think positively, stay active and get enough

           to risks of dementia  and  Alzheimer’s                      rest.  If we let  overthinking  control  our
           disease.  These dangerous diseases can                      lives, we will suffer a lot, and we will not

           steal many precious years from you and                      find happiness in our lives.
           your family, so they must be carefully


           Now, it’s time to know how you can avoid

           it and protect yourself. The first solution
           is playing any sport. For example, I run

           and do simple exercises if I feel stressed
           and pressured from studying. Then, I feel

           relaxed. This is because  of endorphins
           that are released into your blood when

           you exercise. The second solution is to
           stay with positive people. Positive friends

           help us get rid of negative thoughts and

           stay away from overthinking. You see,
           we need help from one another to stay

           safe and optimistic  The last solution
           is to sleep more. A few extra hours of

           sleep help us to avoid excessive thinking

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