Page 27 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 27


           Fear, Confrontation, and                                     a stronger person, and your way of

           Success                                                      thinking will have changed as well.

           Jewar Obaid Al Zaabi-CCBA                                    It is possible that things we do not

           I have always wondered about the                             want to  happen  could happen,  but

           things that happen to people, changing                       after we overcome them, we know

           them from one person to another, and                         things happen for a reason. So a little

           whether they are good or bad!                                something for you to take home is to
                                                                        face all difficulties that might come

           I got an answer from  experiences  I                         your way. They will impact your life

           have been through lately. For a person                       and only strengthen you, provided
           to change, they have to face their fears.                    you receive them courageously and

           In other words, imagine that you are                         try to come out in good shape.

           afraid of something which is meant
           to happen to you; you have no choice                         Those who succeed are those who are

           whatsoever but to face it, whether it                        the  most experienced.  Remember,

           is  difficult  or  even  impossible. You                     life is yours as long as you live it all:
           have to confront it.                                         sweet and bitter.

           When you go through confrontation,

           you acquire immunity against similar
           hardships. Simple things that will

           happen after that will not affect you,

           at least not severely as the first one.
           You  have  already  faced  something

           harder. You have, as a result, become

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 20, April 23                              26
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