Page 30 - Issue 20, April 2023 Online
P. 30

            My Driving License                                          Unfortunately, in our society, it is

                                                                        difficult  for  women  to  drive  because
            Experience                                                  many think it is not feminine, so they

                                                                        cannot accept it easily. However, I
            Muna Salim Mohammed Al                                      started learning to drive with my friend

            Mashaikhi -CCBA                                             when I was sixteen. She helped me a

            Did you ever  wonder  why driving  is                       lot and taught me how to drive, but it

            so important  for us?  Why do people                        was illegal because only 18 years olds

            spend a lot of money just to get a                          can obtain a driving license here. So,

            driving license? Well, I am here to tell                    when I decided to get a driving license,
            you why driving a car and getting my                        my relatives criticized me instead of

            driving license  was so important  for                      supporting me, but my mother was my

            me personally.                                              only support.

            Unfortunately, people in Oman cannot                        I started my training with the women’s

            move easily from one place to another                       driving trainer. First, we started with the
            without a car due to the lack of transport                  drums test, which turns smoothly from

            services. I also faced the same problem.                    both sides, left and right. I even had

            In fact, I faced more than this problem.                    to go in reverse and be careful not to
            You see, in my family, no one can drive.                    hit the drums. Actually, it was easy for

            Since  my childhood,  we had to walk                        me, and I succeeded the first time. The

            everywhere  or  wait  for  taxis  which                     second and last part involved driving

            were often difficult to find. More than                     on the road, which was a little difficult
            that, when we had any emergency, like                       for me because the driving trainers

            when anyone in my family was sick,                          will fail you for even small mistakes.

            we could not find any transportation to                     In fact, I failed three times in this test
            get to the hospital.                                        but did not give up. I was disappointed

                                                                        and had to pay extra, but I worked hard

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