Page 5 - Issue 19 January 2023
P. 5

I’ll Make Room

        My grandfather's truck was a two-seater. Unfit for a family of four, but

        that didn't matter. He carved out space in the back and installed two

        jump seats for his kids with me, nestled snugly in between them, their

        bodies like my seat belts. This was the nature of living in my hometown.

        You had to work with what you had and what you were given. When you

        don't fit in, you make room for yourself and you trust people around

        you to keep you safe.

        Building rooms onto trailers from plywood for unexpected guests who

        never felt unwanted nor overstayed their welcome, putting lawn chairs

        on  the truck beds for visiting cousins who needed a ride.

        There were no trees for tree houses, so we made do with tents on rooftops.

        I'm telling you all this, so you'll understand what I mean.

        When you worry, there's no space left in my heart, so I say I can make

        room for you.

        By Abdullah Rajab Basher Al Habshi-CAAS

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                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023 Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023
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