Page 9 - Issue 19 January 2023
P. 9

MY STORY  A year ago, I went through a year full of struggle. Some may consider my

          struggle nothing, but it was a big thing for me and will always live in my


          In 2018, I was in ninth grade. I studied diligently to get high marks that would

          make my parents proud. I had a goal that I wanted to achieve. I excelled in

          my studies. However, some jealous classmates in school were trying to get

          in my way and sabotage my ambition to get high grades. At first, I tried to

          ignore their bullying. I suffered a lot, and it affected my studies. But with

          a strong will, I dealt with these issues. I managed to keep myself solid, so

          they started to move away from me. I continued my studies with diligence

          and determination. I am proud of winning this war on bullying.

          That wasn't all. After a few months, another struggle started. I became sick.

          It became an obstacle for me in studying. I was always in bed, I could not

          eat, and my temperature was always high. I was desperate that the school

          year was almost over and the deadline for final exams was approaching. I

          was still sick and did not go back to my lessons because I constantly felt

          sleepy, but I did not give up on everything. I worked hard and reviewed the

          final exams, even though my family told me not to study too much so my

          body would not get exhausted.

           Exam results came out, and I thanked Allah. I got a grade of distinction

          with a score of 96%. I was very proud of myself, and I still thank Allah for

          helping me achieve my ambition.

          Ultimately, I tell you, don't lose hope in achieving your dreams, but rather

          strive for them. No matter how hard you face, no dream is accomplished


                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023 Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023
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