Page 7 - Issue 19 January 2023
P. 7

I sit alone under           The stars and the clouds fade like a weak for
                             The stars and the clouds fade like a weak force.ce.
 I sit alone under the stars, the stars,

                           The pouring rain can’t stop my train of thoughts
 W                         The pouring rain can’t stop my train of thoughts
 Wondering if they too have scarsondering if they too have scars
 The light winds flow and block out the celestial.   Nor take away the hate my heart bears in knots. take away the hate my heart bears in knots.
 The light winds flow and block out the celestial.
                                      But as I stand up, my emotion jams.
 The howling wind sounding almost too bestial.  But as I stand up, my emotion jams.
 The howling wind sounding almost too bestial.
 It blows, blocking the noise of the shouting.
                                            While the pouring rain stops.
 It blows, blocking the noise of the shouting.  While the pouring rain stops.
                                      The sun shines and it is another day. day.
 The soft clouds protect me from the fighting.otect me from the fighting.  The sun shines and it is another
 The soft clouds pr

                                 Well it must be fate, let’s try another way.ell it must be fate, let’s try another way.
 Though its blow is harsh, I hold back my sneers.  W
 Though its blow is harsh, I hold back my sneers.
 While the pouring rain blends with my tears.
 While the pouring rain blends with my tears.

 And somehow, the rain washes away my fears., the rain washes away my fears.
 And somehow

 I look up at the stars anew,,
 I look up at the stars anew

 Their happiness all untrue. happiness all untrue.

 Through the night, rain falls like it’s dense,ough the night, rain falls like it’s dense,

 Heaving with the celestials’ feelings and hence, feelings and hence,
 Heaving with the celestials’

 The pouring rain took away the remorse.emorse.
 The pouring rain took away the r
                                     By Haneen Mohammed Friehat-CAAS

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                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023 Chronicle  Issue 19, Jan 2023
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