Page 8 - October 2021 Newsletter
P. 8
October 2021
Highlight What was the experience like?
There were long hours of late-night sitting,
entire weeks or months required to
produce results and to meet the deadlines.
But, I felt it was worth it when finally, you
outshine and emerge from a cocoon,
reborn with the potential of acquiring new
horizons. There are times when you fail –
your work is rejected and called out – but,
eventually, it will lead you to the door of
success and successes feel nice! I bounce
off the walls every time when I have my
work accepted.
A PhD Journey –
with Anita Venugopal, PhD "Self-directed
learning is the
Recently, the Foundation Program's very
own IT Lecturer, Anita Venugopal,
key to success."
received her PhD in Mathematics and
Computer Sciences. Along with this, she
What advice would you give about
completed research on "Design and
doing research?
Analysis of Strings with the Help of Artificial
If you want to get a flavor of what research
Neural Networks." In honor of her success,
is all about, first brainstorm about a
she wanted to share some of her own
particular aspect of your field (in my case,
reflections on her academic journey.
Artificial Intelligence) that interests you.
Why pursue a PhD? Then, explore the limitations that remain in
Perceptions of happiness vary from people that field. At this stage, you are ready to
to people. For some, it is travelling; for start looking for a mentor with similar
others, wealth. The list goes on. Deciding interests so that you can have an honest
discussion about what you are hoping to
to do a PhD made me happy. So, when I
realized that doing a PhD would be the achieve from your research and your
route that would make me happy, I dove supervisor can help you to tailor your
into the research field. project. The only way to finish is to start.