Page 7 - October 2021 Newsletter
P. 7

Beyond Barriers

                    into Possibilities

              "Every student in class participates!               “Entry and exit messages work well
              We use a lot of websites, such as                   in my class. The students send a

              Word Wall, Padlet, and Bamboozle                    message in their WhatsAapp group
              for vocabulary and grammar, and                     as they enter the class about what
              interactive worksheets. Google docs                 they expect on that day and another

              help in checking students’ writing                  message when they exit the class
              and vocabulary practice. At times,                  giving feedback about my class. It
              even Spin the Wheel that gives                      helps the students and the teacher
              students no choice but to take part.”               frame a better understanding and

                                                                  improve on each session.”

                           -   N A D A ,   A N F A L ,
                           L A I L A ,   A N D   A D L A
                                                                                 -   D R .   R A M A D E V I
             “I encourage discussions on                                         S A K H A M U R I
             WhatsApp during the class                         “I use Zoom to engage students
             and the students share their                      in writing discussions. They can

             ideas more freely in their                        see each other’s responses and
                                                               chat about it.”

                      -   M I L L I E   P A U L O S E
                                                                        -   D A V I D   W I L L I A M S

                                  “I choose 3 students through a draw for speaking presentations.
                                  They are assigned to record and share their presentation on a

                                  given topic. With their permission, audio is played in the class.
                                  They learn to record, edit and time their presentation more
                                  effectively. Collective verbal feedback is given at the end,
                                  highlighting strengths and suggesting improvements. This

                                  helps involve students more actively during speaking class.”

                                              -   S H A H I D   B A S H I R
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