Page 2 - FP Newsletter October 2022
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D H O F A R   U N I V E R S I T Y

                          E D I T O R ' S   L E T T E R

                           Welcome to the 2022/2023 academic year!

                                  Every  morning  starts         a  thought  we  would  end  up  realizing
                                  with  a  new  promise,         how  fortunate  we  are  to  be  here  with
                                  fresh     energy      and      such  wonderful  exposure.  ‘Life  is  a
                                  opportunities  awaiting        climb,  but  the  view  is  great’-  goes  the
                                  –   so    did   the    fall    song  by  the  American  singer  and
                                  semester       at      the     songwriter  Miley  Cyrus.  Yes,  the  view
                                  Foundation Program.            of  great  achievements  is  always  great.
          There  was  a  touch  of  newness  everywhere          However,  together  let’s  try  to  cherish,
          and  in  everything.  The  term  started  with  us     enjoy,  and  make  the  best  out  of  each
          having  a  new  Director  and  several  new            and  every  step  we  take  during  this
          faculty  members  who  brought  with  them  a          climb in the FP, so that one day we can
          wide     range     of     acquaintances,      rich     look back and say it is not the view, but
          experiences,  and  splendid  ideas.  A  new            the  climb  that  was  memorable  for  each
          beginning signifies so much that on giving it          and every one of us.

         WHAT'S INSIDE:

         Editorial Letter/Events            Director Profile                     FP Administration
            Page 2                             Pages 4 - 5                          Page 8

         FP Highlights                      Students with Disabilities           Khareef Reflections
            Page 3                             Pages 6 - 7                          Page 9

        Upcoming events

       November                             December                             January
       2 November                           11 December                          2 January
       CTL training - Moderation of         Start of Spring Term                 End of Fall Semester for
            Assessment                      17 December                               Colleges
       17 November                          CTL training - Academically          February
       End of Fall Term                          Challenged Students
                                                                                 19 February
       23 - 24 November                     21 December
                                                                                 Al-Israa wal Meraaj (tentative)
       National Day (tentative)             CTL training - Academic              26 February
                                                                                 End of FP Term II
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