Page 6 - FP Newsletter October 2022
P. 6




         Dhofar University

         Students with Disabilities Support
         Services Unit

          Access  to  education  is  the  number  one
          thing  all  young  people  need.  To  better
          achieve this, Dhofar University has created
          a special unit that supports that goal.            This  is  in  line  with  Oman's  Vision  2040,
                                                             which  states  unequivocally  that  it  is
          Background                                         important to "improve the principle of just
                                                             and  equitable  access  to  social  care  for  all
          According to Oman's E-Census 2020, there           members of the Omani society so that they
          were    nearly     11,000     children    with     enjoy social welfare."
          impairments in the country. Oman offers a
          variety  of  specialized  and  mainstream          Impact at Dhofar University
          services  for  those  with  disabilities;  in  fact,
          the  Sultanate  was  among  the  first  in  the    In order to give students with special needs
          area to push for children with special needs       the  right  services  and  assistance  they
          to be included in mainstream education.            require,  DU’s  Students  with  Disabilities
                                                             Support  Services  Unit  works  hard  to
          As  efforts  have  been  made  to  care  for       anticipate all the difficulties they face while
          students with disabilities at various levels of    on  campus.  In  addition  to  providing  after-

          study,  the  education  of  persons  with          admission preparatory training that
          disabilities  has  seen  a  sharp  increase  in
          recent  years  and  has  attracted  the
          attention of both the Ministry of Education                       DU’s Students with Disabilities
          and the Ministry of Higher Education.                        Support Services Unit works hard to
                                                                                anticipate all the difficulties
                                                                             students face while on campus.

                                                                                       Dhofar University
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