Page 5 - FP Newsletter October 2022
P. 5

As a professional, Dr. Moosa continued to   that effort in his new role as Director of the
                  challenge  himself  to  further  his  training  Foundation Program.
                  and  used  his  own  experiences  to  inform  When  asked  about  what  inspires  him  to
                  others.  His  leadership  roles  have  always  work hard, he says it's all about seeing the
                  been  about  teamwork  -  he  values  the   change  happening  over  time.  That  feeling
                  people  around  him,  as  he  believes  they  of  success  comes  when  your  goals  for
                  are there to guide and support each other   students  have  been  met.  Achieving  goals
                  to be successful. He hopes to continue      are at the core of his plan for the FP.


                  Dr. Moosa began his journey in education with a teaching diploma and nearly 16 years of
                  English language teaching in both elementary and secondary schools. He completed his
                  studies with a B.Ed. in TESOL at the University of Leeds, followed by a MA in TESOL from
                  Sultan  Qaboos  University.  He  also  spent  close  to  7  years  working  for  the  Ministry  of
                  Education as a Senior English Language Supervisor. Following that, he arrived at Dhofar
                  University to work in various levels in the Education department, including as Chair of the
                  Education  Department  in  CAAS,  Director  of  the  Postgraduate  Department,  and  now
                  Director of the FP.
                  My statistics

                  1988                  2003                     2007                  2019

                  Teaching              TESOL B.Ed. at           TESOL Masters         PhD in TESOL
                  diploma               University of Leeds      at SQU                from Malaysia


                                   Goal 1    Attendance is the most important thing when carrying on the
                  Attendance                 mission  of  educating  students.  Students'  cognition  is  only
                                             achieved when students are in the classroom.

                                  Goal 2     Knowledge and learning achievement is the second goal. If
                    Classroom                students understand the role of learning, the students will be
               Achievement                   able to gain knowledge and meet the goals of the FP.
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