Page 25 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 25

10. College Governance and Management

             10.1.  Introduction
             The management structure of the College consists of College Dean, Assistant Dean, College Council
             and Department Chairs. In addition, there are number of committees to assist the Dean in smooth
             functioning of the College.

             10.2.  Dean of the College
             The Dean of  the  College is  appointed by a decree from  the  VC  for three  (3)  years  subject to
             renewal for one more period. The main responsibilities of the Dean include: overseeing all college
             affairs and ensuring that they are in line with the University Bylaws and Policies; overseeing the
             performance of the academic department chairs; overseeing the preparation and evaluation of
             the budget of the College and authorise expenses in accordance with it; proposing plans to the
             DVC for improvement at the College; overseeing the evaluation of the performance of academic
             and  administrative  staff  at  the  College;  nominating  and  recommending  candidates  for  the
             academic and supporting academic positions at the College and submit the nominees’ files to the

             DVC and performing any other duties assigned to him by the DVC.

             10.3.  Assistant Dean
             Each college has one or more Assistant Deans appointed by the VC upon the recommendation of
             the Dean and the consent of the DVC for three (3) years, subject to renewal for another period.

             The main responsibilities of the Assistant Dean include: assisting the Dean in managing all academic
             and administrative affairs of the College which are assigned to him by the Dean, especially the
             coordination between and development of programs and departments; overseeing the program
             of quality assurance in the College and in the absence of the Dean, serving as Acting Dean.

             10.4.  College Council

             Each College has a College Council chaired by the Dean and has Assistant Dean, Academic Department
             Chairs, and a representative from each academic department as members where the number of
             faculty members is more than 10. A student representative is also invited for the meeting if the
             agenda includes a matter related to student affairs.

             The main responsibilities of the College Council include: overseeing academic programs, study plans
             and development of academic work in accordance with the provisions of the MoHERI; reviewing,
             discussing and approving exam results; advising on the need for new academic and supporting
             academic staff; recommending employment of new academic staff, lab technicians and study leaves
             in the College; approving the academic programs equivalency; recommending renewal or severance
             of contracts for academic staff and lab technician on the basis of the annual evaluation; deciding

             upon students’ academic and disciplinary cases referred by Student Affairs Committee (SAC).

             10.5.  Department Chair
             A  number  of  departments  are  established  in  each  college  upon  the  recommendation  of  the
             University  Council.  The  DVC  takes  the  recommendation  of  the  College  Dean  with  respect  to
             appointing a Department Chair upon consultation with the College Council; and that is for two (2)
             years, subject to renewal for another period.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 21
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