Page 30 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 30

11.1.16.  Health Insurance

             The  faculty,  his/her  spouse  and  up  to  two  of  their  children  are  entitled  to  a  private  health
             insurance  benefits  which  includes  medical  outpatient,  emergency,  dental  coverage  with  a
             maximum limit of RO 10,000 per person.

             11.1.17.  Children Education Allowance

             The University shall pay to the faculty member, education allowance for two of his/her children
             studying in Oman in grades one to twelve and who are 18 years of age or younger. The allowance
             shall be up to RO 1,000 (One Thousand Omani Rials) per child per academic year against invoices
             from the schools, with the exception of British School, where the University shall reimburse up to
             RO 2,000 (Two Thousand Omani Rials) in case of one child and up to RO 3,000 (Two Thousands
             Omani Rials) in case of two children. Education allowance includes only tuition fees. Books and
             supplies are not included.

             11.1.18.  Concession in Tuition Fees for children studying at DU
             The  faculty  member  shall  be  eligible  for  50%  reduction  in  tuition  fees  payable  for  one  child

             studying in the University Colleges. This reduction in fees for the second child shall be 25% of the
             tuition fees payable.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 26
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