Page 35 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 35

11.3.  Disciplinary System

                    (For more details, refer to DU Personnel Bylaws, Chapter 9, Disciplinary System)

             11.3.1.  General Information About Penalties (Articles 56, 57, 58, 60 and 61)
             The faculty member who does not observe the duties of his/her position or commit prohibited
             acts stated in the Bylaws, shall be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action as provided in DU
             Bylaws and decided by the Staff Disciplinary Committee.

                1)  The Staff Disciplinary Committee submits its recommendations to the VC within two weeks

                    from the date of receiving the violation file to issue a decision.
                2)  The staff member has the right to appeal to the University Appeals Committee about a
                    disciplinary decision made against him/her within one week from the date of that decision.

                3)  There shall be no more than one penalty for the same violation.

                4)  The staff member shall not be acquitted of a penalty for a violation based on an order from
                    his/her supervisor unless the order was given in writing and the staff member alerted the
                    supervisor about the violation. In that case, the supervisor shall bear the full responsibility
                    for the said violation.

                5)  No penalty shall be inflicted until the staff member has been informed in writing of the
                    accusations against him/her and a hearing session is held. Minutes of the session shall be

                    placed in the staff member’s personal file.
                6)  No penalty shall be inflicted for a transgression committed by the staff member outside the
                    workplace  unless  there  is  an  established  relation  between  his/her  work  and  the  said


             11.3.2.  Types of Penalties (Article 58)
             Various penalties stated in the Bylaws are:

                1)  Verbal or written warning

                2)  Salary deduction
                3)  Suspension

                4)  Termination of contract

             11.3.3.  Staff Disciplinary Committee (Article 57)

             The Staff  Disciplinary  Committee  is headed by  Assistant  DVC  for  Administrative  and  Financial
             Affairs and has Director of Quality Assurance, Director of the Department of Human Resources,
             Legal Advisor and one representative from each College (who is also a member of the University
             Council) as members.

             The  committee  may  also  seek  the  services  of  any  one  it  deems  fit  for  the  task.  The  main
             responsibility of the Committee is considering all staff violations reported to it during work or
             because of it.

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