Page 39 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 39

The applicant should apply directly to the Chair of CAPC. Five hard copies and one electronic copy
             of application portfolio should be submitted. The application for promotion can be submitted
             twice during the academic year by 31st October and 28th February.

             11.5.3.  Professional Development Policy (DU-HR-004)

             Professional  development  refers to the  skills  and  knowledge attained by the  faculty  for  both
             personal  development  and  career  advancement.  Professional  development  and  continuous
             learning are necessary to maintain the quality of the University faculty. Provision of professional
             development opportunities also keeps the faculty motivated.

             DU  provides  opportunity,  assistance  and  support  for  professional  development  of  faculty  to
             improve their performance in the present positions and also encourage them to obtain skills and
             knowledge  to  enhance  their  chances  for  career  advancement  through  in-house  and  external
             professional development activities.

             In DU, faculty professional development needs are linked to three main things:
                1)  Annual performance appraisal results,

                2)  End semester feedback from students about instructor and
                3)  Contemporary  developments  in  the  field  of  teaching  &  learning,  research  and  area  of

                    specialisation of faculty.
             College Deans and FP Director identify, on the basis of annual performance appraisal results,
             faculty members who need professional development to improve their performance. They also

             identify the specific areas in which the identified faculty members need professional development.

             All in-house professional development activities are conducted through the (Center for Teaching
             and  Learning  (CTL)  at  DU.  CTL  prepares  an  annual  schedule  for  professional  development
             activities, based on the areas for professional development identified and communicated by the
             College Deans and the FP Director.

             DU also provides professional development opportunities outside the University for its faculty to
             attend regional and international conferences, seminars, workshops and scientific events through
             the University Research Board (URB) and the Department of Research. The approved applicants
             are entitled to paid leave and financial support as per DU Bylaws. (Refer DU Personnel Bylaws
             Article 37)

             It is mandatory for the academic staff identified by the College Deans and the FP Director to
             attend  the  relevant  professional  development  programs  organised  by  CTL  or  attend  external
             professional  development  programs  of  their  own.  The  performance  appraisal  results  of  the
             academic staff identified for professional development is monitored by the College Deans and FP
             Director, and improvement in performance is expected as shown in Performance Planning Form.

             11.5.4.  Incentives and Rewards Policy (DU-HR-005)
             Faculty members are the “Intellectual Capital” of the University. They need to be motivated to
             give their best. This also facilitates the University to retain good faculty over a longer period of
             time. Incentives and rewards linked to an annual performance appraisal are important strategies

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