Page 40 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
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used  by  DU  to  do  so.  These  go  a  long  way  in  creating  a  healthy  and  motivating  working
             environment that contributes to the University’s success.
             DU aims to motivate and retain good faculty by providing them with a number of well-defined

             incentives and rewards linked to annual appraisal results. There is provision for both monetary
             incentives and moral Incentives.

             11.5.5.  Academic Staff Teaching Load Policy (DU-AC-002)

             DU has various categories of academic staff from Instructor to Professor who are required to
             perform many administrative duties in addition to their normal teaching work.  In addition, in
             exceptional cases, when there is a shortage of staff, the services of the existing staff are utilised
             to teach more than their normal load. in view of this, DU has well-defined rules and regulations
             concerning  load  reduction  for  administrative  duties,  allocation  of  extra  teaching  load  and
             overtime payment for that.

             This policy provides a framework for the calculation of the teaching load of academic staff across
             the University for the purpose of overload payment and specifies the load reduction for various
             categories of staff for administrative work done by them.

             11.5.6.  Academic Integrity Policy (DU-AC-007)

             DU aspires to occupy a recognized position among the institutions of quality higher education.
             For that purpose, it is imperative that its students, faculty and staff uphold academic integrity in
             close cooperation with each other.

             This policy highlights the positive academic conduct expected from students, faculty and staff, as
             well  as  various  forms  in  which  academic  integrity  may  be  violated  and  penalties  for  such
             violations. The policy provides an effective mechanism to prevent, detect and address all forms
             of academic misconduct, including bribery and favouritism.

             It is expected that all faculty and staff at DU shall have high moral and ethical values so as to set
             an example before students. However, in order to prevent academic misconduct on their part, it
             is ensured that they are aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and what the attached
             penalties for violations, if any, are.

             No staff member of DU (academic or non-academic) should contact faculty and ask for academic
             favours  for  their  relatives/friends.  DU  has  zero  tolerance  policy  towards  bribery,  favouritism,
             malpractice, fraud or corruption. Indulgence of faculty/staff in such activities is not acceptable.

             All proposed publications of faculty and staff are checked by "Turnitin" and only those with a
             similarity index of 20% or less (and up to 10% from one single source) are allowed for publications
             and are eligible for research incentives, promotion and inclusion in AFAR. Any violation in this
             regard shall be subject to investigation and sanction as per DU Bylaws.

             Any act of academic misconduct on the part of faculty and staff is investigated by the University
             Staff Disciplinary Committee and sanctioned as per DU Personal Bylaws. The penalty may vary
             from a written warning to termination of contract, depending on the severity of the academic

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