Page 45 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 45

2)  The  course  syllabus  has  to  be  prepared  in  the  standard  template  provided  by  the
                    Department of Quality Assurance. It should be approved by the Department Chair.
                3)  Monitor the course delivery during the semester.

                4)  Monitor the assessment of the students as per the plan mentioned in the syllabus.
                5)  Prepare summary of results of the course.

                6)  Prepare a coordinator’s report at the end of the semester summarizing your observations
                    over the content and delivery of the course with suggestions for further improvements.
             Load Reduction for Course Coordinator

             The course Coordinator is entitled to load reduction for doing the course coordination task as per
             “Academic  Staff  Teaching  Load  Policy”.  Course  Coordination  starts  with  a  minimum  of  two
             different instructors and a minimum of three sections. The present load reduction is:

                1)  3-5 Sections - 1 Credit Hour
                2)  6-10 Sections - 2 Credit Hours

                3)  More than 10 Sections - 3 Credit Hours

             12.4.3.  Course File
             A course file is maintained in the department for every course offered. There is only one Course
             File  for  each  course.  Usually  the  Course  File  is  maintained  by  the  CC;  and  in  case  only  one
             instructor is teaching the course then by the CI. The File is maintained for each year (Fall + Spring

             + Summer) separately in the prescribed format. It is preserved for six (6) years in case of Bachelor
             Program and for four (4) years in case of Diploma and Master Program in a place designated by
             the College Dean.

             The Department Chairperson checks the course file once during the semester and specifies the
             discrepancy, if any, on the course file cover page. The responsibility of getting the course file
             verified by the Dept. Chair lies with the CI/CC. The Course File is also checked by the College Dean
             or the Department of Quality Assurance (QAD) or the DVC once every semester on a sample basis.

             12.4.4.  Course Requirements for Academic Programs

             The course requirements for an academic program consists of four different categories of courses.
             These course requirements are stated in the student’s plan of study (PoS). Even though the PoS
             of one program is different from another, still all these PoS for undergraduate programs share a
             same structure of the course distribution as given below.

             1)  University Requirements

             This includes courses that are common for all programs across DU Colleges. These courses aim to
             provide essential knowledge and skills that are required to be acquired by all DU students. The
             courses of this category must be completed by all students of DU.

             The total number of “University Requirements” for bachelor’s program is up to 30 credits and for
             diploma program up to 21 credits. The English and Mathematics courses are designed separately
             for the needs of the students based on their colleges/majors. The other courses are common for
             all students across the university.

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