Page 47 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 47

12.6.  Student Assessment

             12.6.1.  Assessment Framework

             A student’s academic performance is assessed throughout the semester using various assessment
             instruments, which include:  homework, assignments, exams, research papers, projects, practical
             work, research, etc. The course instructor/ course coordinator shall clearly specify the assessment
             tools, allocated marks and the tentative dates in the course syllabus given to the students. As far as

             possible, the coursework assessment shall be evenly spread throughout the semester.
             The student has a right to receive continuous feedback about his/her performance.  The course
             instructor must complete a midterm performance assessment to give students chance to withdraw
             from the course before the end of the withdrawal period and to help academic advisors better

             advice students during the pre-registration period.

             12.6.2.  Assessment Method
             The  assessment  of  coursework  in  all  programs  of  DU  shall  take  place  in  three  parts,  unless

             otherwise specified by the Department:
                 1)  Continuous Assessment

                 2)  Mid-Term Examination
                 3)  Final Examination

             12.6.3.  Weighting of Various Assignment Methods

             The weighting assigned to various methods of assessment shall be as follows:

                 1)  Continuous assessment   - - - - -             10% - 30%
                 2)  Mid-term examination   - - - - -              20% - 40%

                 3)  Final examination   - - - - - - - - -         40% - 60%

             12.6.4.  Forms of Continuous Assessment
             Continuous assessment may take one or more of the following forms:

                 1)  Quizzes                        6)  Portfolio
                 2)  Assignments                    7)  Fieldwork

                 3)  Homework                       8)  Lab work
                 4)  Presentations                  9)  Any other forms approved by the Department Chair
                 5)  Projects

             12.6.5.  Feedback on Assessment to Students
             Clarifying students' doubts, if any, about assessment and giving feedback to them when the answer
             sheets are shown in class or during their office hours is an integral part of academic responsibility

             of a faculty member. This includes the following.
                1)  The course instructors shall clarify students' doubts, if any, about assessment and give their
                    feedback when the answer sheets are shown to them in class or during their office hours.

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