Page 51 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 51

12.9.  Proctoring and Reporting of Academic Misconduct

             12.9.1.  Proctoring (Invigilation)
             Proctoring of examinations is a part of the academic duties of every faculty member. Proctors are

             expected to spend proctoring time strictly supervising the students throughout the duration of
             the quiz or examination. Various rules and regulations about proctoring are as follow.
                1)  The EC of the College, in consultation with the Asst. Dean, will assign the duties of proctors

                    and head proctors for the final examination. As far as possible, these duties should be
                    equitably distributed.
                2)  All proctors should be in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the commencement
                    of the final examination. The head proctor should collect the envelopes containing the
                    question papers from the CEX 30 minutes before the commencement of the examinations.

                3)  Students  should  not  be  allowed  to  enter  the  exam  hall  30  minutes  after  the
                    commencement of the final examination. No extra time is to be allowed for late-comers.
                    Likewise, students should not be allowed to leave the examination hall within the first 30
                    minutes of the examinations.
                4)  Proctors  must  verify  the  identity  of  the  students  taking  the  exam.  Only  DU  ID  will  be
                    considered  as  sufficient  evidence.  The  proctor  must  also  ensure  that  all  students  in  the
                    examination hall keep their ID on the examination desk for the entire duration of examination.

                5)  A student who fails to show his/her DU ID, must be sent by the proctor to the Department
                    of Student Affairs (DSA) to bring a temporary ID. The student shall be permitted to appear
                    for the examination only after that.

                6)  In case a student is found without DU ID in the examination hall, the responsibility shall
                    be on the proctor.
                7)  Proctors should put their mobile phones in silent mode to avoid disturbance. In addition,
                    they should ensure that mobile phones of students are switched off and not in silent mode.
                    Mobiles must not be kept by the students on the examination desks.

                8)  Proctors should make the students aware of the exam rules and regulations before the
                    commencement  of  the  examinations  and  also  ensure  that  they  read  the  examination
                    instructions given on the cover page of the answer sheet and sign the pledge given there.

                9)  Proctors should ensure that the examination commences and ends at the time specified
                    in the examination schedule and lasts for the duration indicated.

             12.9.2.  Forms of Academic Misconduct

             Various forms in which student can violate academic integrity are:
             1)  Cheating - Cheating is defined as “employing or seeking to employ any unfair means in the
                examination or in any other form of work submitted for assessment as part of any university
                course”. It is a deliberate attempt to gain academic credit dishonestly or to help others to do this.

             2)  Collusion  -  Collusion  is  defined  as  ‘Unauthorized  collaboration  on  assessable  work  with
                another person or persons’. It is a form of cheating which occurs when students work together
                in a deceitful way to produce work for an assessment which is restricted to individual effort.

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