Page 54 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 54

The Course Instructor shall submit electronically an approved “Change-of-Grade Form” to the DAR
             stating the reasons for the change and endorsed by the Department Chairperson and the Dean of
             the College. The DAR should receive the approved “Change of Grade form” up to two (2) weeks
             from the beginning of the following semester.

             12.10.7.  Course Learning Outcome Assessment

             At the end of each semester the instructor shall conduct a survey among the students of the course
             using the “Course Learning Outcome Assessment Questionnaire” for each course. The result from
             the survey shall give the instructor feedback on whether the courses he/she is teaching are really
             achieving the outcomes envisaged for the courses.

             DU also conducts at the end of each semester a student’s online survey for each course to know
             students’ assessment of the course and its instructor. The results thus obtained, are discussed by
             the department chair with the concerned faculty members and necessary changes in the course
             content or delivery if necessary are incorporated in course delivery for the ensuing semester.

             12.10.8.  Grading System

             At DU, the grading system used and its equivalence to the Letter Grade system and the Grade Points
             Average (GPA) system are shown below:

                      Numerical              Grade Type        Equivalent Letter       Equivalent Grade
                        Grade                                         Grade                   Points

                        95-100                                           A                       4
                         90-94                                          A-                      3.7
                         87-89                                          B+                      3.3

                        83-86                Very Good                   B                       3

                        80 -82                                          B-                      2.7

                         77-79                                          C+                      2.3
                        73-76                   Good                     C                       2

                         70-72                                          C-                      1.7
                         65-69                                          D+                      1.3
                         60-64                                           D                       1

                       Below 60                  Fail                  F                        0.0

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