Page 58 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 58

time. However, with the provision of interpreter or note-taker, the problem is eliminated to a
             large extent. It provides freedom to the student to follow the lesson and also receive visual cues
             from the teacher.

             At  DU,  SWDSSU  provides  need-based  services  of  sign  interpreters  and  note  takers  to
             accommodate  students  with  hearing  impairment.  There  is  a  team  of  trained  and  dedicated
             volunteers who are available for this purpose. These volunteers work under the guidance of a
             team of experts available at SWDSSU.

             3)  Academic Advising

             Academic advising is an integral part of the academic duties of the faculty member at DU. Each
             student  at  DU  has  an  assigned  “Academic  Advisor”.  However,  in  case  of  students  with
             disabilities, academic advising is perceived more as a social responsibility rather than a mere
             academic duty.

             SWDSSU works closely with the designated Academic Advisors of students with disabilities. These
             students receive one-to-one personalized academic advising during registration, course of study,
             and exams period. All of the academic advising and support services are facilitated by the “Academic
             Support Team”, which includes a faculty member from each college.

             4)  Peer Tutoring

             In  coordination  with  “Learning  Support  Center”  (LSC)  (Click  Here),  SWDSSU  provides  peer
             tutoring facility to students with disabilities. Peer tutors deliver the requested coaching on one-
             to-one sessions at a convenient time slot for students with disabilities.

             5)  Scribes
             SWDSSU, through its teams of peer tutors and volunteers provides assistance to students with
             disabilities  in  note-taking  and  writing  exams.  SWDSSU  ensures  that  the  scribes  are  neutral
             assistance providers with no conflict of interest to maintain academic integrity.

             6)  Facilities and Equipment
             SWDSSU has a fully equipped and self-sufficient students with disabilities lab that caters to the
             academic needs of students with disabilities, and their supporting teams. The lab is equipped
             with the necessary technologies and equipment.

             7)  Extra-curricular Activities
             Students  with  disabilities  are  actively  involved  in  organizing  and  conducting  extra-curricular
             activities through our own “Nabdh-Albasira” student club and also in coordination with similar
             organizations in the local community.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 54
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