Page 61 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 61

4)  The National Research Award
                5)  Research and Innovations Award in Water Science
                6)  The Upgrade Program

                7)  Adapting Towards Sustainable Development Program
                8)  EJAAD
                9)  Industrial Innovation Assistance Program

               10)  Conference and Workshop Support Program

             14.4.1.  Block Funding Program

             As per its mission to promote quality research in Oman, MoHERI recently initiated “Block Funding
             Program”, wherein at the beginning of an academic year, a fund will be allocated for each Higher
             Education Institution (HEI) in the Sultanate depending on their research performance during the
             previous  year.  BFP  Includes  Research  Grant  (RG),  Graduate  Research  Grant  (GRG)  and
             Undergraduate Grant (UG).

             The RG is for academic staff with a PhD degree, having a maximum cap of 20,000 R.O. For GRG
             Post  graduate  students,  academic  and  non-academic  staff  with  post  graduate  degree  or
             Bachelor’s degree with three years of experience, can apply for a maximum of 3,000 R.O. UG is
             for undergraduate students who have completed at least 3 semesters of their bachelor’s degree
             with a maximum cap of 1500 OMR.

             The applications for RG, GRG or UG can be submitted in one of the following research areas:

                  Energy and Industry
                  Information and Communications Technologies
                  Environmental and Biological Resources

                  Health and Social Services
                  Education and Human Resources
                  Culture, Basic and Social Sciences

             The call for the applications begins at the start of each academic year. After going through a strict
             evaluation process as set by MoHERI, the applications are submitted from each institution for
             MoHERI’s review by the 30th of June each year. The interested faculty members should follow
             the call deadlines as announced by the Department of Research each year.

             14.4.2.  Strategic Research Grant Program
             The Strategic Research Grant Program allocates medium to large research grants for medium and

             long-term  projects  of  primary  national  importance.  This  supports  proposals  that  respond  to
             strategic needs, ensuring research relevance and excellence, and which may be led by a local
             organization chosen by MoHERI for its experience in the research topic - with the aim of building
             national research capacities in strategic areas. The aim of the strategic research programs is to
             enhance  national  economy  and  welfare  through  increased  scientific  research  and  training,
             thereby developing local research capacity, consolidating leadership in key areas and discovering
             solutions to national challenges.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 57
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