Page 62 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 62

Few strategic research programs recently added by MoHERI are:
                  Road Safety Strategic Research Program
                  Dubas Strategic Research Program
                  Social Observatory Research Program

                  Renewable Energy Strategic Research Program
                  Strategic Program for Water Research

             14.4.3.  Smart City Platform
             Smart City Platform is a knowledge-sharing consortium to drive smart city initiatives in Oman. The
             objective  of  this  platform  is  to  provide  a  knowledge-sharing,  collaborative  and  networking
             environment between smart city stakeholders. The platform shall facilitate and enable smart city

             innovations  through  research funding  and innovation  competitions.  The platform  shall  create
             awareness on the importance of smart city solutions and best practices. The platform will enable
             a path towards a unified national smart city vision & strategy. The interested faculty members
             should follow the call deadlines as announced by the Department of Research each year.

             14.4.4.  The National Research Award

             The establishment of the National Research Award (NRA) is considered as a translation and partial
             realization of the National Research Strategy 2040. The Award aims at encouraging researchers
             to conduct high-quality and relevant research in areas of national interest. The award is 2000 R.O.
             for each category in all pre-announced disciplines.

             The NRA is divided into two categories:

                  Category 1: Best published research led by a young researcher (a non-PhD holder).
                  Category 2: Best published research led by a PhD holder or equivalent (Senior Specialist or
                    higher in the medical field) at the time of the article’s publication.

             14.4.5.  Research and Innovations Award in Water Science
             The award was established upon recommendations from the third symposium for Sultan Qaboos
             Scientific Chairs, organized by Sultan Qaboos Higher Centre for Culture and Science. The symposium,

             titled ‘Managing Water Resources for Sustainable Development’ was held at the University of Tokyo
             (2-3  October  2014).  The  aims  of  the  award  are  to  promote  the  development  of  high-quality
             research, support Innovative initiatives of individuals and raise awareness in water field.

             The award is given in two categories:
                  Innovation category: Includes innovations and Young innovators

                  Publication Category: PhD holder and non-PhD holder

             14.4.6.  The Upgrade Program

             The Upgrade Program is to transform best graduation projects into successful ICT startups to bring
             socio-economic benefit to Oman. Statistics have shown that the number of ICT graduates exceeds
             1500 students per year executing more than 300 graduation projects. Students spend one or two
             semesters working on developing an idea and prototyping it, and all it ends when they submit the

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