Page 52 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 52

3)  Plagiarism - Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use of the work of another person as
                one’s own, whether or not such work has been published. It is considered as academic theft.
                Plagiarism  occurs  when  someone  uses  words,  ideas  or  work  attributable  to  another
                identifiable person or source, without attributing the work to the source from which it was
                obtained, in a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original work, in order to
                obtain some benefit.
             4)  Impersonation - Impersonation takes place when a student or outsider assumes the identity

                of  another  student  with  the  intent  of  providing  an  unlawful  advantage  in  any  course
                assessment for that student.

             12.9.3.  Reporting of Academic Misconduct Cases

             The procedure to be followed for reporting academic misconduct cases is as follows
                1)  If any student is found using unfair means during the examination, extraneous material, if
                    any, found with the student should be confiscated by the proctor. However, the student
                    should  be  permitted  to  continue  the  examination.  At  the  same  time,  a  “Student’s
                    Academic Misconduct Report” should be submitted by the proctor to the CEX.

                2)  Any student involved in verbal cheating should be warned in the first instance. If he/she
                    repeats the offence second time, he/she will be accused of cheating.
                3)  For the final examination, a “Student’s Academic Misconduct Report”, signed by at least

                    two proctors, should be submitted to the CEX on the same day. There should be a separate
                    report for each academic misconduct case. All reported academic misconduct cases shall
                    be forwarded by the CEX to the Chairperson of the College/FP Student Affairs Committee
                    (SAC) within one working day.
                4)  For mid-term examinations in colleges, the cheating cases will be reported by the Course

                    Instructor (CI) to the Department Chair, who will forward all such cases to the Chairperson
                    of College SAC.
                5)  For mid-term examinations in FP, the cheating cases will be reported by the proctors to
                    the CEX, who will forward them to the Chairperson of FP SAC.

                6)  All cheating cases will be investigated by the SAC and the outcome of investigation will be
                    communicated within one (1) week to both, the student accused of cheating and the CI
                    through DU email and/or any other appropriate means.

                             (For more details, refer to DU Examination Policy - DU-AC-006)

                                             12.10.  Student Grades

             12.10.1.  Submission of Final Grades
             The  final  grades  of  the  student  shall  be  discussed  by  the  Department  Chair  with  the  course
             instructor and, after approval, they are submitted to the College Council (CC) for final approval.

             Once the grades are discussed and approved by the CC, the course instructor is informed by the
             Department Chair to confirm the grades in the system and a hard copy of the grades approved by
             the CC shall be sent to the DAR by the College Dean (FP Director) by the predefined deadline.

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