Page 49 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 49

the question, all the answers have been marked and that there are no totaling mistakes. If a major
             discrepancy  is  noticed  by  the  moderator,  it  will  be  reported  by  him/her  to  the  moderation
             committee immediately. The course instructor shall be asked by the moderation committee to go
             through  all  the  answer  sheets  to  ensure  that  the  discrepancies  indicated  are  corrected.
             Simultaneously, the College Dean shall be informed by the moderation committee of the lapses
             on the part of the course

             12.7.5.  Responsibilities of Moderator

             The moderator of assessment should ensure that:

                1)  the examination is valid in terms of its content, balance and duration;
                2)  the assessment tools cover the outcomes prescribed for the assessment and are evenly
                    distributed over these outcomes;

                3)  all questions are from within the prescribed learning outcomes;
                4)  the questions are clear and unambiguous;

                5)  marks allotted for each question are clearly mentioned.

             The moderator of marked answer sheets should ensure that:
                1)  the marking is in accordance with the allotted weight for the question;

                2)  all the questions have been marked;
                3)  there are no totaling mistakes;

                4)  if the student has answered more than the required number of questions, the examiner
                    has to evaluate all the questions attempted by the student and then exclude the lowest
                    scored answer from the aggregate.
                             (For more details, refer to DU Moderation Policy - DU-AC-005)

                                                12.8.  Examination

             12.8.1.  Examination Administration

             All Colleges and the Foundation Program at DU have an Examination Committee (EC), which is
             constituted every two years. The EC is constituted by the College Dean (FP Director) and consists
             of at least two members. One of the members is designated as Controller of Examinations (CEX).
             The EC will oversee the examination proceedings and maintain the attendance of proctors and
             head proctors. These committees are responsible for overseeing the examination proceedings
             and ensuring smooth conduct of examinations in their respective Colleges and FP.

             12.8.2.  Examination Schedule
                1)  Final Exam - The Department of Admission and Registration (DAR) announces the schedule
                    of “Final Examinations” based on the student registration for that semester at least two (2)
                    weeks before the commencement of the examinations. While preparing the schedule, the

                    DAR ensures that a student does not have more than two examinations on the same day.
                1)  Mid-term  Exam  -  In  Colleges,  CIs/CCs  are  responsible  for  scheduling  and  conducting
                    midterm  examinations  for  the  courses  taught  by  them.  However,  in  case  of  multiple

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