Page 46 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 46

2)  College Requirements
             This includes courses that are common among the students of the same college only. The number
             of credit hours differ based on the level of the degree and the nature of the program. The courses
             of this category must be completed by all students who belong to the same college. These are
             mentioned under the particular program and college in this catalogue.

             3)  Major Requirements

             Students of the same major have to study a specific group of courses that differ according to the
             major and level of the degree. The courses of this category must be completed by all students
             who belong to the same major. These are mentioned under the particular program and college in
             this catalogue.

             4)  Elective Requirements
             This category is only available at the bachelor level where students have the freedom to select
             from a number of courses within the required number of credits allotted for this category. Under

             this  category  there  are  sub  categories  which  are:  general  electives,  social  electives,  college
             electives and major electives. These are mentioned under the particular program and college in
             the DU catalogue.

                            12.5.  Student Attendance and Absence Warning

             12.5.1.  Student Attendance and Dismissal
             A faculty member has to take attendance of the students in each of his/her courses and upload
             the  same  on  the  SIS  system.  The  SIS  system  will  automatically  generate  the  warnings  to  the

             respective students as soon as his/her absence reaches a certain level. The SIS system will also
             generate  an  email  informing  the  instructor  of  the  same.  It  is  advisable  to  again  mention  the
             warning verbally to the students after the lecture by the instructor if he happens to meet him/her.
             The  maximum  absences  allowed  for  a  student  is  25%  of  the  total  number  of  sessions  of  a

             particular course. If the absence crosses 25%, the student  is dismissed from the course and  a
             dismissal letter is sent to his DU email account.

             12.5.2.  Absence Warning

             Before reaching the withdrawal stage, DU system warns the students by way of three warnings
             sent  to  their  DU  email  account  by  the  DAR.  These  email  messages  to  students  are  a  formal
             communication of the university with its students.

             The warnings of absences are as follows:
                1)  First warning: This is when a student’s absence reaches 7% of the total number of sessions
                    of a particular course.

                2)  Second warning:  This  is  when a  student’s  absence  reaches  14%  of  the  total number  of
                    sessions of a particular course.
                3)  Third (Final) warning: This is when a student’s absence reaches 21% of the total number of

                    sessions of a particular course.

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