Page 43 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 43

12.2.2.  Responsibilities of the Academic Advisors

             Responsibilities of the Academic Advisors include but not limited to :
                1)  Assist the advisee in understanding the curriculum and their academic responsibilities.

                2)  Inspire the advisee to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards.
                3)  Help mitigate advisee students’ concerns and resolve relevant issues as they occur.
                4)  Encourage advisee to know, understand and abide by University rules and regulations.
                5)  Ensure  that  advisee  is  aware  of  DU  MVV,  Students'  Code  of  Conduct  and  Student
                    Grievance Policy.

                6)  Monitor advisee progress throughout their academic studies, from day one to graduation.
                7)  Discuss occurring problems with advisee and recommend ways to remedy them.
                8)  Provide advice on course selection and related curricular matters.
                9)  Ensure that course prerequisites have been taken and that student repeats failed courses
                    when next offered.

               10)  Recognize trouble signs such as excessive absence and refer the students to the proper
                    University bodies that could help them, such as Learning Support Centre (LSC) and the
                    Student Counseling Office.
               11)  Discuss future plans and career choices with the advisee.
               12)  Provide extra care to the advisee who are at risk.

               13)  Give special attention to the advisee who are graduating within one or two semesters.
               14)  Be  available  for  advising  during  the  period  of  registration  and  also  throughout  the
                    semester at the time specified in the advisor’s schedule.
               15)  Respond promptly to emails from the advisees.

             12.2.3.  Office Hours
             Faculty members are required to have office hours during which they are available to meet with
             students in their offices. The number of office hours should be at least two slots per week, of
             minimum one hour each, distributed over weekdays. Faculty members should also be available
             to meet with students by appointment during this time. The office hours should be posted outside
             the office of the faculty member.

                          (For more details, refer to DU Academic Advising Policy - DU-AC-003)

                          12.3.  Students at Risk and Learning Support Center

             12.3.1.  Students at Risk
             Academic  ability  differs  from  student  to  student.  There  will  always  be  some  students  whose

             academic ability is below the expected level and who need additional support to cope with the
             situation. These are the students who are at a risk of being dismissed from the Program/ College/
             University. They need to be motivated and guided to come up to the expected level. DU has a
             well-defined policy, procedure and guidelines to deal with such students. Through this policy it is
             ensured  that  necessary  academic  support  is  provided  to  students  at  risk  so  as  to  help  them
             progress in their programs of study.

                      (For more details, refer to DU Students at Academic Risk Policy - DU-AC-010)

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