Page 38 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 38

11.5.  Important Policies Concerning Faculty

             11.5.1.  Faculty Appraisal Policy (DU-HR-009)
             Faculty members are the intellectual capital of the University and the driving force for academic

             excellence. They shoulder the responsibility of providing quality education to the most important
             university  constituency,  the  students.  Therefore,  it  is  important  that  faculty  performance  be
             assessed on a regular basis. Assessment provides the means to identify areas of concerns and
             provides necessary feedback to improve performance.

             At DU, the performance of each faculty member is assessed annually. Performance is assessed on
             the  basis  of  three  criteria  viz.  (1)  Teaching  and  Learning  ( 04 %),  (2)  Research  and  Scholarly
             Activities ( 05 %) and (3) University & Community Service (10%). The assessment results are used
             in merit increase, professional development, contract renewal or severance decisions.

             Every academic year, in the beginning of Fall semester (By mid-October), the Chairperson of the
             Department initiates the “Appraisal Process”. By the last week of April, the faculty member submits
             the  completed  Annual  Faculty  Activities  Report  (AFAR),  along  with  all  the  appendices,  to  the
             Chairperson of the Department. The Chairperson will complete the AFAR received from the faculty
             by 10  of May. He/she will then discuss the final appraisal results with the faculty and provide them
             with an opportunity to put their comments on the AFAR. The faculty will sign AFAR after putting
             his/her  comments  and  also  complete  “Performance  Planning  Form”  for  the  next  year  in
             consultation with Chairperson.

             The completed AFAR, with the Chairperson’s comments, will be submitted by him/her to the
             College Dean by 15  of May every year. The Dean shall put his/her comments on AFAR received
             from the Chairperson and submit AFARs of all faculty in the College to the DVC not later than 20
             May of every year.

             11.5.2.  Academic Promotion Policy (DU-HR-006)

             The promotion policy of DU acknowledges the importance of career progression and staff retention.
             DU  promotes  its  faculty  based  on  their  achievements  in:  (1)  Teaching  and  Learning  (40%),  (2)
             Research and Scholarly Achievements (50%) and (3) University and Community Service (10%).
             The Lecturer is the entry-level academic post at the University, followed by Assistant Professor
             and Associate Professor and finally Full Professor is the senior academic post. The promotion

             policy of DU provides for three types of promotions namely:
                1)  Promotion from Lecturer to Assistant Professor

                2)  Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
                3)  Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor

             Each College at DU has a College Academic Promotion Committee (CAPC), which processes all
             promotion  applications  submitted  to  it  and  recommends  the  names  of  eligible  candidates  to
             University Academic Promotion Committee (UAPC) for further processing. UAPC Evaluates the
             applications received from different CAPCs and submits the names of successful applicants to the
             DVC for endorsement, who submits them to the University Council.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 34
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