Page 41 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 41

11.5.7.  Staff Grievance Policy (DU-HR-010)

             Grievance  is  a  cause  for  complaint  due  to  unfair  treatment  presumed  by  the  faculty.  It  is
             something  that  causes  distress  to  the  faculty  and  for  which  they  seek  redressal.  The  unfair
             treatment may be in violation of University Bylaws, policies or established practices.

             With an objective to provide a healthy work environment, DU has a well-defined Staff Grievance
             Policy, which provides a fair internal process to resolve disputes that arise between a  faculty
             member and DU administration or other peer faculty member(s).

             DU ensures that the faculty is provided adequate opportunities to raise their grievances; there is
             consistency, fairness, equity, transparency and promptness in dealing with grievances and faculty
             members are aware of the opportunities available to them for raising their grievances.

             The staff grievance handling procedure consists of three sequential stages: (1) informal approach,
             (2) formal complaint and (3) formal appeal. The formal approach should be used only when the
             grievance cannot be resolved informally.

             A formal grievance complaint must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the date when the
             dispute first arose. The grievant must be personally affected by the action or decision underlying
             the grievance and cannot file on behalf of another individual. The grievance can also be filed by a
             group of people or their representative.

             The grievant may withdraw the complaint or appeal at any time during the grievance resolution
             process. In that case, it is assumed that the resolution by the earlier authority holds good and is
             acceptable to the grievant. The withdrawal of the complaint or appeal has to be done in writing
             to the authority handling the matter at the time of the withdrawal.

             11.5.8.  Severance Policy (DU-HR-007)
             Severance is the cessation of the contractual relationship between DU and its faculty member.

             This can either be by mutual consent or with one of the parties taking the initiative.
             DU has a well-defined policy in regard to severance, which provides a comprehensible procedures
             and guidelines for severance of faculty. DU also ensures that all cases of severance are handled
             in a fair, transparent and equitable manner.

             DU may conditionally renew the contract of a faculty member for one more year clearly specifying

             that if his/her performance does not improve, then his/her services shall be terminated. DU also
             reserves the right to terminate the contract of its  faculty because of suspension of academic
             programs or lower student-intake.
             Based  on  the  decision  of  the  Disciplinary  Committee,  DU  Management  may  terminate  the

             employment  contract  of  a  faculty  member  who  has  been  repeatedly  involved  in  academic
             misconduct in spite of being given sufficient warning in writing about this.

                     (For more details, Refer to DU Policy Manual Available in College Dean’s Office)

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