Page 44 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 44

12.3.2.  Learning Support Center

             DU has a Learning Support Center (LSC), which is responsible for providing the academically weak
             students, especially the students at risk (under academic probation), and also the students with
             special learning needs, with a personalised assistance in a supportive atmosphere through a peer-
             assisted learning scheme.

             The Academic Coordinator of the College prepares a list of the students at risk and distributes it
             to the advisors concerned. These are the students who are under academic probation or border-
             line cases, and require special attention. The academic advisors encourage these students at risk
             to attend peer tutoring sessions provided by the LSC.

             Peer-assisted learning uses the services of senior-level students to support academically weak
             students.  Faculty-members  recommend  outstanding  senior  students  to  serve  as  peer  tutors.
             There is a provision of monetary incentive for such work. This also provides valuable training and
             experience for the peer tutors and helps them in developing professional, academic and English
             language skills, under competent supervision.

             The LSC provides its services free of charge to all DU underperforming students. It is open on all
             working days from 8 am to 3 pm so as to provide maximum benefit to the students. LSC services
             include tutoring, mentoring, supplemental instruction and computer-aided instruction, delivered
             through  one-to-one  tutoring  or  small  study  groups.  However,  LSC  is  not  meant  to  replace

             classroom instruction or any other means of instruction offered by faculty members.
                       (For more details, refer to DU Learning Support Center Policy - DU-AC-009)

                                             12.4.  About the Course

             12.4.1.  Course Syllabus
             A Course Syllabus is prepared every semester for every course offered by the department. There

             is only one Course Syllabus for each course, which is prepared by the Course Coordinator (CC) or
             in case only one instructor is teaching the course, then by the Course Instructor (CI). The course
             syllabus has to be prepared according to the template circulated by the Department of Quality
             Assurance. A copy of the course syllabus has to be given to the students during the first week of
             teaching every semester and also kept in the Course File.

             The course syllabus gives comprehensive information about teaching schedule for the semester,
             course instructor and course coordinator, course learning outcomes, program learning outcomes,
             graduate attributes, reading materials, references and resources, teaching/ learning strategies,
             use of technology, research teaching nexus, weekly course content outline, assessment methods
             and schedule and any other important information, if any, for students.

             12.4.2.  Course Coordination

             The Chairperson of the Department appoints course coordinators for the courses with multiple
             sections in order to coordinate between the various faculty members teaching the same courses.

             The responsibilities of the course coordinator are, but not limited to, the following:
                1)  Develop  and  update  the  course  syllabus  and  course  content  with  the  help  of,  and  in
                    consultation with, other instructor(s) of the course.

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