Page 33 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 33

11.2.4.  Other Responsibilities of Faculty (DU Internal Bylaws Article 57)

             In  addition  to  performing  the  above  mentioned  responsibilities,  the  faculty  members  shall  be
             committed to doing the following:

                1)  Carry out field, evaluative and statistical studies within the areas of their specializations on
                    condition that the study is granted approval from the respective authorities.
                2)  Give lectures and supervise postgraduate theses, research and exams in universities, schools

                    and  other  educational  institutes  upon  the  approval  of  the  Vice  Chancellor  and  the
                    recommendations of the Deputy Vice Chancellor provided that this does not conflict with
                    their work duties.
                3)  Do research and provide academic consultation pursuant to the rules and regulations of the

                4)  Hold conferences and symposia in their area of specializations pursuant to the rules and
                    regulations of the University.

             11.2.5.  Missed Classes

             Faculty members are not permitted to miss classes, except in case of official or emergency leave,
             without the prior written approval of the Department Chair and the College Dean. However, in
             both the cases, the faculty member is required to make up for the classes missed by them.

             11.2.6.  Prohibited Acts (DU Personnel Bylaws Article 55)
             It is strictly forbidden for the Academic Staff member to undertake any of the following:

                1)  Engagement or provision of his/her services to any public or private party or institution
                    unless requested by the University to temporarily render professional services relating to
                    another  position  after  approval  of  the  Vice  Chancellor  or  his/her  delegate  and  of  the
                    relevant official authorities;

                2)  Laxity or negligence that results in financial loss to the University;

                3)  Divulgence  of  confidential  information  known  to  the  staff  member  by  virtue  of  his/her
                    position, unless summoned to testify in an official investigation or court;
                4)  Exploitation of the staff member’s position to gain favours for self and/or others;

                5)  Acceptance of any gift from an individual or party if that would impact his/her work;
                6)  Spreading rumours that could damage the University interest, public interest, or the interest

                    of others;
                7)  Interruption of work without an authorized leave of absence;

                8)  Smoking on campus;
                9)  Violating academic regulations of the University.

             11.2.7.  Dress Code and Local Considerations
             For most of the year light, loose-fitting clothes, preferably cotton, are best suited for the Omani

             climate.  From  December  to  March,  a  slightly  warmer  garment  may  be  required  during  the
             evenings. Clothing must be decent and professional and any tattoos must be covered.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 29
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