Page 32 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 32

8)  Making it known to students at the beginning of each term that students are expected to
                    attend all class sessions, and missed class sessions will be recorded.
               9)  Evaluating students’ work in relation to the course learning outcomes and on the basis of
                    evidence  of  independent  learning,  mastery  of  course  material,  and  ability  to  think  and
                    communicate clearly.

               10)  Clarifying students' doubts, if any, about assessment and giving feedback to them when the
                    answer sheets are shown in class or during their office hours. Also, posting on LOGSIS the
                    cumulative grade of course assessment and mid-term examinations secured by each student
                    in every course they teach.

               11)  Advising  the  students  allotted  to  him/her  as  advisees.  The  Chair  of  the  department
                    concerned is responsible for assigning student advisors so that the number of advisees per
                    academic staff member is evenly distributed in the department. Student advising should
                    encompass all aspects of academic advising, including selection of electives, counselling on
                    any academic difficulties or problems and monitoring the academic progress of advisee.

               12)  Guiding the students with poor performance to take advantage of the Learning Support
                    centre to improve their performance.

               13)  Conducting scientific/scholarly work in own field that would lead to publishing in refereed
                    academic journals or refereed professional conferences  .
               14)  Engaging  in  scientific  and  professional  consultancy,  giving  lectures,  and  participating  in
                    seminars,  within  the  University  rules  and  regulations  pertaining  to  outside  consulting


             11.2.3.  Responsibilities of Faculty (DU Internal Bylaws Article 56)
             The faculty members shall have the following responsibilities:

                1)  Respect the rules and regulations of Dhofar University.

                2)  Perform the responsibilities related to teaching and research duties assigned.
                3)  Perform the academic advising duties to help, advise and inform students and also supervise
                    students’ research and training.

                4)  Observe official working hours.

                5)  Attend  the  department  council  meetings  and  participate  in  committees,  academic  and
                    administrative affairs if required of them.
                6)  Respect the teachings of Islam, other religions and beliefs and reflect this in one’s conduct
                    on and off campus.

                7)  Respect work ethics and maintain the traditions of the University.

                8)  Work towards promoting collegiality.
                9)  Do not engage in any disclosure of confidential information or give a statement related to
                    university affairs except with prior consent of the respective authority in Dhofar University.

               10)  Contribute to the development of the local community.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 28
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