Page 69 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 69

Course Pack Incentive (CPI)
             Dhofar university has decided to facilitate the students, faculties and society for long-term teaching

             and learning process by initiating the preparation of course packs for different courses. The course
             packs will consist of teaching materials, exercises, sample exams etc. prepared in accordance with
             the course syllabus.  The accessibility of students and faculties to a standardized course pack will
             definitely improve the overall quality of education in DU. Thus, DU has decided to reward the
             faculties  involved  in  developing  course  packs  with  specific  incentives  termed  as  Course  Pack
             Incentive (CPI).
             (For Details, Refer to DU R&D Guidelines for AY 2021-22)

             14.11. DU Research Policies
             DU has established policies for the implementation of various aspects of research and consultancy.
             These include:

             14.11.1.  Consultancy Policy
             DU has a large pool of qualified and research-oriented faculty with a rich experience in consultancy
             and on the other hand, the Sultanate of Oman, and especially the Dhofar Region, is witnessing a
             rapid development in various sectors, which provides a huge scope for consultancy. In view of this,

             DU aims to provide a favourable atmosphere for its faculty and staff to embark on consultancy
             activities. The University considers consultancy as an essential professional activity related to the
             faculty's area of expertise, skills and research and a tool for providing solutions to various challenges
             in business, social, economic and technical areas. It is perceived as an activity that is mutually
             beneficial to the faculty, university, industry and society in general. DU considers consultancy work
             as an important contribution from the University to society, through the transfer of knowledge and
             expertise to businesses, industry and community.

             14.11.2.  Intellectual Property Policy
             DU encourages and supports its students, faculty and staff members in bringing the results of their
             research, consultancy and other similar activities in diverse fields of knowledge to public use and

             benefit,  and  encourages  their  commercial  development,  subject  to  protecting  the  University's
             rights.  The  main  aim  behind  developing  the  Intellectual  Property  (IP)  Policy  is  to  encourage
             advancement of technology and its transfer for public benefit. The policy defines the ownership and
             rights of the inventor(s)/creator(s) and the University and provides procedures, guidelines and a
             governing mechanism.

             14.11.3.  Ethics Policy
             All living beings (human and non-human) have been bestowed with certain fundamental rights
             around the world. The purpose of DU Ethics policy is to respect the moral rights of living beings and
             also  lay  down  fundamental  ethical  principles  for  all  research  activities  conducted  on  them  at
             University. DU also reserves the rights to protect non-human living beings and ensure that the
             experiments involving them are conducted in a safe and socially responsible manner. This policy

             applies to all leading investigators, staff members, students and researchers engaged in approved
             research  projects  on  University  premises  which  involve  human,  animal  or  genetic  ethical

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 65
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