Page 72 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 72

15. University and Community Service

             15.1.  Service to the University
             It is normally evidenced by membership in different committees and participation in activities at
             the Department, College, and University levels.  It may also be made through efficient completion

             of a particular formal task, such as timetabling officer or department meeting secretary or other
             extracurricular activities. Contribution to the training of junior staff and faculty mentoring activities
             are considered important to the University.

             Normally,  for  University  and  Committee  service,  the  standard  of  quality  and  excellence  is
             measured  not  so  much  by  the  number  of  offices  held  or  activities  undertaken,  but  by  the
             demonstrable  substantive  value  of  the  academic  staff  member's  contribution  to  the  quality
             enhancement of the university, to the well-being of the community, and/or to the advancement
             of his/her profession or discipline.

             The faculty member has the opportunity to serve in any of the committees at all the three levels:

                1)  University committees
                2)  College committees
                3)  Departmental committees

             Members of all these committees are nominated by the College Dean. However, membership of
             University level committees is discussed and approved in UAC. In addition, membership of some

             committees require the approval of UC.

             University Committees

             At the University level, the following standing committees exist.
                1)  University Council

                2)  University Research Committee
                3)  University Promotion Committee

                4)  QA Coordinators’ Committee
                5)  Risk Management Committee

             College Committees
             At the college level, the following standing committees exist.

                1)  College Council

                2)  College Advisory Council
                3)  Academic Program Development and Review Committee (APDRC)
                4)  College Research Committee

                5)  Academic Support Service Committee
                6)  Industry and Community Engagement Committee

                7)  Student Affairs Committee
                8)  Health and Safety Committee

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 68
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