Page 73 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 73

15.2.  Service to the community

             Community  services  can  be  through  involvement  in  various  community  service  activities  at
             Department, College or University Level. However, a faculty can also make a positive contribution
             towards community services directly also, with University acknowledgement.

             Service to the community may constitute a wide range of activities and responsibilities including
             (but not limited to) technology transfer; presentation of public lectures, seminars and workshops;
             involvement  in  cultural or  scientific  activities  for  community,  directorship  of  sports  teams  and
             events, involvement in community service projects in the region etc.

             15.3.  University and Community Services as part of Annual Faculty Appraisal and Promotion

             University and Community Service is one of the three criteria, other than teaching & learning and
             research & scholarly activities, and carries a weightage of 10% for the purpose of “Annual Faculty
             Appraisal” and also for their “Promotion”. DU continuously encourages and supports its students
             and staff to engage themselves in industry and community engagement activities.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                   Page 69
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