Page 9 - Final 3- Newsletter Spring 2023-2024
P. 9

S T R A T E G I C   P L A N N I N G

                                                                                                                  J A N U A R Y   2 4 ,   2 0 2 4

                                                                                                          Discussions included the college’s strategic

                                                                                                          plan for 2021-2026, along with new degree

                                                                                                          programs                 aligned              with          the          Oman

                                                                                                          Qualification  Framework  (OQF)  and  the

                                                                                                          Accreditation  Board  of  Engineering  and

                                                                                                          Technology  (ABET).  A  proposed  Master’s

                                                                                                          program                   in           Engineering                      Project

                                                                                                          Management                       was            also           highlighted,

                                                                                                          reflecting  the  college’s  commitment  to

                                                                                                          advancing academic opportunities.

                                                                                                          The  Council  reviewed  efforts  to  enhance

                                                                                                          graduate  training  through  project-based

                                                                                                          learning               and            increased                 community

                                                                                                          engagement.                      Additionally,                  plans             to

                                                                                                          establish  an  alumni  association  were

                                                                                                          proposed to foster continuous collaboration

                                                                                                          and empower graduates to contribute to the
                        COLLEGE                                                     OF                    college’s educational objectives.

                                                                                                          The meeting, chaired by Dean Dr. Issam Al-

                        ENGINEERING                                                                       Bahdoor,  included  representatives  from

                                                                                                          various  academic  departments  and  public

                        ADVISORY                                                                          and          private            sectors,             reinforcing               the

                                                                                                          college’s  focus  on  fostering  industry

                        COUNCIL                                                                           collaboration and academic excellence.

                        CONVENES FOR



              On January 24, the Advisory Council of the

              College of Engineering at Dhofar University

              held  its  first  regular  meeting  for  the

              academic  year  2023-2024.  The  session

              focused  on  key  strategic  initiatives  and

              future developments.

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