Page 17 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

       V I S I T   T O   T H E   G E N E R A L   D I R E C T O R A T E

         F O R   H O U S I N G   A N D   U R B A N   P L A N N I N G

                                                                                                                                                              O C T O B E R   1 9 ,   2 0 2 3

         A group of students from the Department of                                                       This  collaboration  is  a  testament  to  Dhofar

         Architectural  Engineering  at  the  College  of                                                 University’s  commitment  to  staying  abreast  of

         Engineering  recently  visited  the  General                                                     the  evolving  labour  market  and  equipping  our

         Directorate for Housing and Urban Planning                                                       students  with  the  latest  knowledge  in  urban

         in  Dhofar.  This  visit  is  part  of  our  ongoing                                             development.

         efforts  to  enhance  our  students’  knowledge                                                  The  participation  involved  engaging  in  various

         and  awareness  of  the  National  Strategy  for                                                 activities and discussions centred around urban

         Urban Development 2040.                                                                          development,  housing,  and  infrastructure.  This

         A  special  thanks  to  the  Ministry  of  Housing                                               educational  excursion  was  also  an  opportunity

         and  Urban  Planning  for  extending  an                                                         for  our  students  to  gain  firsthand  experience

         invitation to participate in the October Urban                                                   and insights into the real-world challenges and

         Activities.                                                                                      advancements in urban planning.

                                                                                                          Engineer  Lamia  Mostafa,  lecturer  in  the

                                                                                                          Department  of  Architectural  Engineering,  lead

                                                                                                          the initiative and took part in a design talk.

                                                                                                          This  venture  aligns  with  Dhofar  University’s

                                                                                                          mission to contribute to the sustainable growth

                                                                                                          andprosperity  of  our  communities  through

                                                                                                          improved urban planning and infrastructure. Our

                                                                                                          students are not just learning about the future of

                                                                                                          urban planning but are also actively participating

                                                                                                          in shaping it.

              Field Trips                                                                                                                                           CE

   12   13   14   15   16   17   18