Page 12 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

       U P G R A D E   Y O U R   S K I L L S   I N   I N T E R I O R

                                                                                       S T Y L E S

                                                                                                                                                            N O V E M B E R   1 8 ,   2 0 2 3

         The  Architectural  Engineering  Department                                                       Participants  delved  into  the  historical

         of  the  College  of  Engineering  at  Dhofar                                                     contexts of these styles, uncovering their

         University  provided  a  workshop  titled                                                         key            characteristics                     and             modern

         “Upgrade Your Skills in Interior Styles. ” The                                                    interpretations.

         workshop  was  presented  by  Ms.  Lamiaa                                                         The session offered a unique opportunity

         Mostafa,  a  lecturer  from  the  Architectural                                                   for         participants                 to         deepen               their

         Engineering Department.                                                                           understanding of design aesthetics. It was

         This  insightful  workshop  aimed  to  provide                                                    not just about learning the theory; it was

         an  in-depth  exploration  of  various  interior                                                  an  immersive  experience  that  enabled

         design styles, ranging from the elegance of                                                       attendees  to  apply  this  knowledge  to

         traditional designs to the sleek simplicity of                                                    practical design scenarios. This hands-on

         contemporary styles.                                                                              approach was designed to ignite creativity

                                                                                                           and inspire innovative thinking.

                                                                                                           The  lecturer’s  expertise  in  the  field

                                                                                                           brought  these  styles  to  life,  offering

                                                                                                           valuable insights into the world of interior

                                                                                                           design. Her guidance was instrumental in

                                                                                                           helping             participants                 appreciate                 the

                                                                                                           nuances  of  different  design  trends  and

                                                                                                           how they can be incorporated into interior


              Workshops                                                                                                                                             CE

   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17