Page 11 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

                                                 W O R K S H O P S

                                                                                                                 D E C E M B E R   2 ,   2 0 2 3

                                                                                                            The  workshop  aimed  to  equip  students

                                                                                                            with  innovative  3D  modelling  skills,

                                                                                                            preparing  them  for  today’s  technology-

                                                                                                            driven  job  market.  Participants  in  the

                                                                                                            workshop  delved  into  an  immersive

                                                                                                            learning               experience,                   focusing               on

                                                                                                            techniques  of  3Ds  Max  Modelling.  The

                                                                                                            students  acquired  knowledge  and  skills

                                                                                                            necessary  for  the  current  architectural

                                                                                                            and interior design fields.

                                                                                                            This comprehensive training ensures that

                                                                                                            students  are  not  only  keeping  pace  but

                                                                                                            also  positioned  to  lead  in  the  rapid

                                                                                                            technological advancements shaping the


                                                                                                            Through this workshop, Dhofar University

                                                                                                            reaffirms  its  commitment  to  providing

                                                                                                            cutting-edge  education  that  empowers
                        HOW                                       TO                                        students to excel in a competitive global

                                                                                                            labour  market.  The  university  fosters  an

                        IMPROVE                                                                             environment  where  innovation,  skill,  and

                                                                                                            practical  application  converge  to  shape

                                                                                                            the  future  of  architectural  and  interior
                        MODELING                                                                            design engineering.


                        3DS MAX

                 The            Department                     of         Architectural

                 Engineering                    at         the          College               of

                 Engineering  organized  a  workshop  with

                 lecturer             Lamiaa               Mostafa               as         the

                 presenter,  titled  “How  to  Improve

                 Modelling Through 3DS Max.”

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