Page 8 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

                        T O P   B E S T   P A P E R   A T   T H E   A S I A -

    P A C I F I C   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   C O N F E R E N C E

                                                                                                                                                               O C T O B E R   2 ,   2 0 2 3

                     Quality of Life,                                                                       This  recognition  was  conferred  at  the

                                                                                                          Asia-Pacific  International  Conference  on
                     2023 in Indonesia                                                                    Quality  of  Life  (AQoL2023Bali),  held  in

                                                                                                          Bali,  Indonesia,  from  September  30  to
           Dr.        Fatemeh                 Khozaei,              an         Assistant
                                                                                                          October  2,  2023.  Among  over  all
           Professor at Dhofar University’s department
                                                                                                          submissions this recognition was given to

           of  Architectural  Engineering  was  awarded
                                                                                                          15           highest              scored               papers               and

           One  of  Top  Best  Paper  for  an  entry  titled:

           ‘Fostering  Sustainable  Communities:  The
                                                                                                          The          conference,                  organized                by        the

           Vital  Role  of  Local  Authorities  in  Urban
                                                                                                          Association  of  Malaysian  Environment-
           Agriculture Practices in Strata Housing.’
                                                                                                          Behaviour  Researchers,  recognized  the

                                                                                                          collaborative efforts of the paper’s authors:

                                                                                                          Nurulanis  Ahmad,  Siti  Nadiah  Mohd  Ali,

                                                                                                          Nor  Aini  Salleh,  and  Fatemah  Khozaei.

                                                                                                          These              contributors                  hail         from           the

                                                                                                          Department  of  Built  Environment  Studies

                                                                                                          and  Technology  at  Universiti  Teknologi

                                                                                                          MARA,  Malaysia,  and  the  Department  of

                                                                                                          Architectural                  Engineering                  at        Dhofar

                                                                                                          University,  Oman.  Their  joint  efforts

                                                                                                          yielded  a  paper  that  underscores  the

                                                                                                          pivotal  role  of  local  authorities  in

                                                                                                          advancing  urban  agriculture  practices

                                                                                                          within multi-family housing complexes.

              Research and Scholarly                                                                                                                                CE

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