Page 6 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

                                  C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

                                           O R G A N I Z E D   A   S E M I N A R

                                                                                                                                                            D E C E M B E R   2 7 ,   2 0 2 3

         The  College  of  Engineering  organized  an                                                  on                               Project-Based

         online  seminar  on  project-based  learning

         and  its  significance  in  the  international                                                Learning  for  ABET

         academic  accreditation  for  engineering  and

         technology  (ABET).  The  seminar  was                                                        accreditation

         delivered  by  Dr.  Kamlesh  Singh,  Assistant

         Professor  in  the  Department  of  Electronics

         and  Communication  Engineering  at  Amity                                                       The discussion also highlighted the structure of

         University  in  Lucknow,  India.  The  session                                                   ABET               academic                  accreditation                    and            its

         covered  various  topics,  including  the                                                        requirements,  including  the  integration  of

         essential  elements  for  benefiting  from                                                       projects into courses and methods for assessing

         project-based  learning  and  methods  of                                                        course learning outcomes achievement.

         assessments.                                                                                     Dr. Issam Al Bahdoor, the Dean of the College

                                                                                                          of  Engineering,  concluded  the  seminar  by

                                                                                                          emphasizing  the  importance  of  such  meetings

                                                                                                          for  exchanging  experiences.  He  affirmed  that

                                                                                                          the  college  is  progressing  in  reviewing  and

                                                                                                          updating                all        its        programs                 to         achieve

                                                                                                          international  accreditation.  The  Dean  extended

                                                                                                          sincere  thanks  to  the  Quality  Assurance

                                                                                                          Committee (QAC) and the Center for Teaching

                                                                                                          and  Learning  (CTL)  at  the  university  for

                                                                                                          organizing this seminar.

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