Page 10 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

  D E S I G N   T A L K :

                                             D E S I G N I N G   F O R   O M A N

                                                                                                                                                            N O V E M B E R   2 7 ,   2 0 2 3

                   Balancing Tradition

                                                                                                          It  also  highlighted  the  importance  of

                   and Innovation                                                                         design in improving daily life and society’s

        As  part  of  our  continued  strengthening  of
                                                                                                          Workshops,  design  screenings,  expert
        cooperation  in  our  society,  a  group  of

                                                                                                          lectures,  and  exhibitions  were  part  of  the
        students                from            the          Department                    of

                                                                                                          event  to  showcase  creative  works.  The
        Architectural  Engineering  at  the  College  of

                                                                                                          participants exchanged ideas and learned
        Engineering                      at          Dhofar                University
                                                                                                          about  the  latest  developments  in  design.
        participated in the event “Design for Oman
                                                                                                          The  event  emphasized  innovation  and
        “Achieving a Balance between Tradition and
                                                                                                          design, towards supporting the progress of
        Innovation”  to  strengthen  cooperation  and
                                                                                                          a sustainable and intelligent society.
        promote innovation under the supervision of

                                                                                                          The event, which was organized by Sumw
        lecturer Lamia Mostafa, which was held on

                                                                                                          Design Studio and the Small and Medium
        27th November 2023.

                                                                                                          Enterprises                    Development                       Authority,

                                                                                                          demonstrated the commitment of decision-

                                                                                                          makers               to         design             and           creativity,

                                                                                                          empowering  participants  to  contribute  to

                                                                                                          social            advancement                     and           enhancing

                                                                                                          Oman’s  reputation  as  a  design  hub.

                                                                                                          Speakers                 included               engineer                Lamia

                                                                                                          Mostafa  and  Sumw  Bint  Amer  Tabuk,

                                                                                                          founder of Sumw Bint Amer Tabuk and a

                                                                                                          graduate  of  Dhofar  University,  and  real

                                                                                                          estate development experts. His Highness’

                                                                                                          wife  awarded  the  principal  speakers  with

                                                                                                          participation tokens.

              Community Services                                                                                                                                    CE

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