Page 14 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

                                                    V I S U A L I Z I N G   S P A C E

                                                                                                                                                             D E C E M B E R   3 ,   2 0 2 3

          The Department of Architectural Engineering

          at Dhofar University’s College of Engineering                                                 A                                          Beginner’s

          organized  a  workshop  entitled  “Visualizing

          Space:  A  Beginner’s  Workshop  on  3D

          Design  and  Alternatives,”  which  was                                                       Workshop  on  3D

          presented  by  lecturer  Lamia  Mostafa  from

          the Department of Architectural Engineering.                                                  Design                                                                        and

          The purpose of the workshop was to assist

          students  in  acquiring  familiarity  with  the

          basics  of  3D  design,  with  an  emphasis  on

          creating  impactful  spatial  visualizations.

          Students  received  hands-on  training  in  3D

          design, exploring fundamental techniques for

          creating and manipulating 3D spaces.

          Through  this  workshop,  Dhofar  University

          reaffirms  its  commitment  to  improving  the

          imagination  of  its  students  to  be  more

          creative.              The           university                fosters             an

          environment  where  innovation,  skill,  and

          practical  application  converge  to  shape  the

          future  of  architectural  and  interior  design


              Workshops                                                                                                                                             CE

   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18