Page 9 - Newsletter-CE-Fall-2023-2024
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C O L L E G E   O F   E N G I N E E R I N G

            P R E S E R V I N G   H E R I T A G E ,   B U I L D I N G

                                                                            T O M O R R O W

                                                                                                                                                               O C T O B E R   4 ,   2 0 2 3

         The Department of Architecture participated

         in  the  "October  of  Urbanism"  activities  in

         2023, held in Salalah and organized by the                                                    University’s

         General  Directorate  of  Housing  and  Urban
         Planning in Dhofar, under the sponsorship of Architectural

         the  college's  dean,  Dr.  Issam  Al-Bahadoor,

         and  under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  Abbas                                                  Engineering

         Mahmoud                  and          the         architect,             Lamiaa

         Mostafa.  The  October  of  Urbanism  aims  to

         revive  ancient  and  heritage  areas  and                                                    at                 “October

         enhance                 the          economic                 and            social
         dimensions,  as  well  as  urban  sustainability, of Urbanism”

         that serve the goals of "Oman Vision 2040."

                                                                                                          It also included a tour to introduce participants

                                                                                                          to the urban and cultural heritage of the Al-Haffa

                                                                                                          area,  showcasing  the  project's  developments.

                                                                                                          The event has ended with a field experiment to

                                                                                                          enhance  the  contribution  of  urban  public

                                                                                                          transport  within  Salalah,  followed  by  a

                                                                                                          discussion session on the future of urbanization

                                                                                                          in  the  Sultanate  and  the  shift  towards

                                                                                                          sustainable development.

              Community Services                                                                                                                                    CE

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