Page 20 - FP Chronicle Issue 15, Oct 2020
P. 20
My Story at DU
Many people and friends always ask me “what is the Foundation Program for you
and why you are interested in it as well? You are very good student and you don’t
have to study it!! “
Honestly, I never thought that someday I will study the Foundation Program
especially to be in level one. When I saw my placement test results I really was
shocked “how on earth could I get low marks!” Actually, some of my friends mocked
me that I was in level one. I had to think carefully about what I should do.
In the first week of FP, one of my friends came to me and said “Fatima you have to
do the challenge test to pass all levels in FP. I feel bad for you; you don’t deserve to
be in level one.” “I will think about it “. I replied. My class teacher arrived late that
term and I didn’t do the test. I don’t regret it or feel bad about it, too.
Today, I’m in level two in FP and I’m very grateful that I didn’t care about what
others say or think of me. Staying in level one was my own decision. It was like a
diamond chance to learn and never give up whatever situation is, just I did what I
My only goal in FP is to learn and improve my English language. Day by day, I’m
learning lots of things that I didn’t know before.
In order to achieve something, you always have to think carefully about what you
really want and do your best, but never lose hope just be positive.
These six months in FP, were turning point in my life, I learned a lot and I have
more experiences. I have even faced some obstacles, but I learned from them.
Thanks to those days in FP, as a result, I’m better in English and more confident
19 FP Chronicle Issue 15, Oct 2020