Page 20 - Issue 19 January 2023
P. 20

Far From Home

      A Short Story By: Safiya Ahmed Al-Hadhri-CAAS

     The planet Earth is populated by many people. Humans with limited time

     typically get up early, have breakfast, or perhaps switch it out for a cup of coffee,

     then rush to their workplaces to get work started. Once they are done, they

     return to their homes to finish the remaining tasks, leaving them little spare time.

     BUT! Sometimes life shocks you with things you did not expect. It hits your

     expectations that you always knew would happen. Who would have expected that

     2,000 years ago, a little boy in the future would find a way to communicate with

     aliens whose existence has always been suspected? At this moment, hundreds

     and thousands of aliens are living on a planet called Nera.

     In a place called A One Who Is No One, a little family lived in a large town on

     this busy planet. Father Lucier, Mother Lunin, and Neon, their son. The fact that

     this family lived where none of their relatives resided made them autonomous

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